Sitecore Links by Martin Miles
All Sitecore Links

The most complete Sitecore knowledge base

Tips and tricks for Sitecore Link
10 tips that may help you getting the most of this knowledge base. Here they are:

  1. Search / filter by a term
  2. Search / filter also in link URLs
  3. Filter by one or multiple year(s)
  4. Icons and color date badges
  5. Change order by name / date / votes
  6. Filter by a top level category
  7. Vote up and vote down for a link
  8. Combine multiple filters together
  9. Suggest new blog or article
  10. See all contributors / sources

1. Search / filter by a term

Once page finishes loading, it contains all the links in the system. All these thousands of useful links about Sitecore. But you may filter to only those having specific pattern in its name by simply typing that pattern into search box. Type in at least 3 characters and you'll see only those links that have this pattern in their names. You see updated results as you type - character by character.

2. Search also in link URLs

You may also search and filter links not only by pattern in their names, but by URLs. Simply check this box and then filter will search that pattern in URLs of all links as well. This may be very handy when you want to see all posts from a specific blog, so checking this box and typing part of blog's URL you'll see all the posts from it in the corresponding categories.

3. Filter by one or multiple year(s)

Another useful filtering option is to limit results to specific year(s) only. That's correct - you may have not only one, but as many years as you like, randomly. Do you see these color buttons below the search box? By default left "All" button is turned on displaying all the links from all years. Every other button enables year filter, they are color-coded by the principle "greener - the newer". Thus, clicking on the second from the left, green "Recent" button, you'll get only results between now and the same date year ago. In the same manner, clicking "1 year" button will append links between 1 and 2 years from date, and so on. Please note that year buttons can be in two states - on and off, so turning on multiple years you'll combine results created in these years. Clicking left "All" button again will turn off all year filters and display all results back again.

4. Icons and color date badges

When you look at the links, you see all they have a color creation date badge. This badge is in the same color as corresponding year filter from above. Likewise, if the link was created in less than a year from now, it will be in the same color as a corresponding filtering button, in that case "Recent" green button. Sometimes you may see additional icons left hand side from year badge - these would identify if the link is a YouTube video, or question at StackOverflow or is an official Sitecore documentation - in that case icon will look as a small Sitecore logo.

5. Change order by name / date / votes

By default links are sorted alphabetically within categories, however you may prefer another way of sorting. While people are voting up and down for useful / irrelevant articles, you may benefit from form having most helpful articles at the very top of each category by changing order to "vote". Alternatively one can change order to have most recent items on top.

6. Filter by a top level category

Less obvious tip, however definitely worth of mentioning. Clicking top level category will reload the page with only items that belong to categories from that particular top level category. That may be useful when you are looking for information in specific domain like "Analytics, DMS and xDB" and do not want to overload page with thousands of irrelevant links that slow down filtering.

So, let's click "SEO, sitemaps and error pages" top level category. After a page redirect, we'll have only the links related to this category.

7. Vote up and vote down for a link

Just one click arrow-up button for the link that you found helpful will not cost you even a second, but doing that helps to moderate content for another members of community, as they do it for your benefit. It is the same principle we you on StackOverflow / StackExchange websites for voting. In the same manner, voting down irrelevant or broken links will help me to identify low quality content and clean it up (or find correct link if it is invalid).

8. Combine multiple filters together

But the greatest feature is for sure that you can combine all the filters from above. Thus, as an example, you can make a complex filter, displaying only the items from those categories that belong to "Search" top level category, and that contain word "timeout" in the name and URL and that were created in the past 3 years, ordering results by top votes.

9. Suggest new blog or article

Another feature to help me making this resource better. If you know any blog or individual link missing on that resource, please go to Suggest page and let me know. You may paste just a root blog URL - I will in any case go through it and grab relevant missing links.

10. See all contributors / sources

Contributors list is a list of sources, from which links have been taken, ordered by number of entries. There are not only blogs butother types of the sources - it's done for statistical purpose. That's why sources are order by a number of entries and there’s also date of last entry, located right hand side